A very long time ago, Apple entered the digital-music space with iTunes and the iPod, which revolutionised a user’s music experience to a large extent. Now, Apple wants to enhance the music craze to another level with the introduction of Apple Music, a new music streaming service for the masses. This Spotify-Pandora rival has arrived quite late in a market where most of the streaming services already have a strong grip. Even so, Apple’s still has some tricks up its sleeves

We list down a few points as to why Apple Music is worth a shot and also, how is it different/ better than its competitors.
1. Try it out before you purchase it
Access to the new service for the first 90 days is free! This itself is one the biggest reasons for an Apple user to try it out for a good amount of time and then decide, whether they would like to purchase it. After the free usage period, users will have to pay $9.99 per month for on-demand subscription access to over 30 million songs, or $14.99 monthly for a family membership that covers about six people. In India, Apple Music starts at Rs 120 for individuals and Rs 180 for the family pack.
2. Offline playback included
Apple Music will allow users to download any available songs, albums, or playlists for your device. There’s no limit as to what users can keep offline and for how long. Users will need to tap the “…” symbol to try out this feature.
3. Music Connect
Apple is allowing fans to directly connect with artists along with the ability to share photos, videos with Music Connect. This is similar to Twitter wherein users can communicate with artists as well but with Connect, Apple Music subscribers can play and save Connect content, or like posts. Unlike it’s previous failed attempt to enter the social network with Ping, Connect does not allow a user to create a profile of their own. However, they can connect on posts and also adds in the ability to share content on other social networks.
4. Siri integrated in Apple Music
Apple Music has Siri integrated in its streaming service via which you can call out any song you would like to listen to or any song by a particular artist. For example, “Play bollywood songs” or “Play some Drake”. Apple Music will also allow you to discover new music and can also stream a genre playlist or a radio station similar to an artist of your choice. No other service voice integration so this feature, definitely stands out for Apple Music.
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